Introduction classes Bavo Beach

Bavo Beach regularly receives requests from people who, alone or with others, would like to get acquainted with beachvolleyball and Bavo Beach. We offer the opportunity to do so weekly on Tuesday evenings from 8:15 p.m. to 10 p.m. from April 23 until the beginning of July. It makes absolutely no difference whether you come alone or with a group.

At the start (8:15 p.m.) there will be an explanation and a walk around Bavo Beach. Starting at 8:30 p.m., we will take you to the field (bare feet!) and, after some practice, we can play with and against each other. There will most likely be a difference in level of play, but this is always handled fine by the group. We ask you to be ready in sports clothes at 8:15 pm; there are ladies' and men's locker rooms with the possibility of taking a shower.

As a newcomer, you can get acquainted with beach volleyball at Bavo Beach 2 to 3 times this way. Bavo Beach makes it easier for new members to join the club this way. We hope to see you.

Bavo Beach is onderdeel van VC Spaarnestad
Henk van Turnhoutpad • 2034JL Haarlem • Mail ons